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Fostering the Integration of Young Migrants through New Communication Tools

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David Leguesse

Hip-Hop Artist, Producer and Manager

David Leguesse, also known as ‘D Legacy’, is a local musical artist specialising in the Hip-Hop genre. He has over 26 years of experience with Hip-Hop and Rap, having started his musical journey at just 12 years old. For David, music provided a way to escape from prejudices, express emotions through unique sounds and tell his story to the world in the most engaging, and creative way possible.

Hip-Hop music opened a whole new world of possibilities for David, with various exciting collaborations with local artists. Innovation was always a priority, with his first group collaboration being that of ‘6th Simfoni’. This Hip-Hop band, was characterised by a unique style, seeing the fusion of Rap with classical musical instruments. The group went on to perform in international competitions in France, Barcelona and the United States. They also performed two songs in collaboration with the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, were featured during the Isle of MTV, as well as went on to win the ‘Best Hip-Hop and RNB Artists’ during the Malta Music Awards 2007.

Apart from his group performances, David also made a name for himself as a solo artist, going on to feature in Ira Losco’s song ‘Person I Am’. The acclaimed song later won the ‘Best Song’ during the Malta Music Awards 2013.

Today, David manages two of the best local Rap acts available on the island, these being ‘Il-Lapes’ and ‘Shylie Rose’. He is also part of several events, workshops and performances related to the Hip-Hop genre.

One of David’s most recent projects is the production of ‘Pawn Upon A Board’, in collaboration with local artist Chris D’Souza. The production features the compelling story of an asylum seeker trying to arrive safely on land when crossing turbulent seas, as juxtaposed with a soldier being deployed to fight in the Middle-Eastern war. The song embodies the notion that both characters are merely pawns in a chess game, being moved around from one place to another as those in power deem fit.

David Leguesse will be acting as an artistic mentor for the I.COM participants during the workshops. David’s role is to inspire creativity, help with song composition and lyric writing, as well as guide participants in effectively and interestingly projecting a story through their music.

Some of David’s productions and music collaborations:

6th Simfoni’s ‘Spread Your Wings’ with the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra

Ira Losco’s ‘The Person I Am’ featuring David Leguesse

‘Robin’s Song’ by David Leguesse


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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