What is the object?! During this year’s Għanafest, popular Maltese personalities will be reciting a
curious Ħaġa Moħġaġa riddle. Can you guess the object they are referring to? Register on
www.festivals.mt/register and particiapte to be in the chance to win a gift pack sponsored by Kinnie.
Ħaġa Moħġaġa 1
"Ħafif aktar minn rixa, imma ma niflaħx inżommu aktar minn minuta"
The answer was in-Nifs - Congratulations Janice Cassar!
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Ħaġa Moħġaġa 2
"Bil-pala mhix furnara, bil-kuruna mhix sultana, bil-labar mhix ħajjata"
Send us your answers by Friday 22 nd May to be eligible for the prize! The winner will be announced
on Saturday 23 rd May.
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Ħaġa Moħġaġa 3
"Erbgħa jiġru wara erbgħa u l-erbgħa ma jilħqux l-erbgħa"
Send us your answers by Friday 29th May to be eligible for the prize! The winner will be announced
on Saturday 30th May.
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Ħaġa Moħġaġa 4
"Tiġri warajh ma taqbdux, jiġri warajk ma jaqbdekx"
Send us your answers by Friday 5th June to be eligible for the prize! The winner will be announced
on Saturday 6th June.
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Terms and Conditions apply.
Participants need to be registered to be eligible for the prize sponsored by Kinnie. By registering on our website you are automatically granting Festivals Malta the right to send you any promotional material and update you on any upcoming events. The winner with the correct answer will be selected at random and announced on the Għanafest Facebook Page and Website.
Ħaġa Moħġaġa 5
"Ħamra nar, nar mhijiex, ħadra ħaxix, ħaxix mhijiex, fiha l-ilma, għajn mhijiex"
Send us your answers by Friday 12 th June to be eligible for the prize! The winner will be announced
on Saturday 13 th June.
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