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Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti Dwar Mużika Mużika Sajf

Writer's picture: Festivals MaltaFestivals Malta

Il-Kunċert ser ikun bl-Ingliż jew bil-Malti?

Mużika Mużika Sajf huwa kunċert bil-kanzunetti ta’ Mużika Mużika li sar f’Marzu li għadda. Għalhekk, il-kanzunetti ser ikunu kollha bil-Malti

Meta u fejn ser isir Mużika Mużika Sajf?

Il-kunċert ser isir fil-31 t’Awwissu u l-1 ta’ Settembru ġewwa Ġnien Laparelli.

Fi xħin ser jibda u kemm ser idum għaddej?

Il-kunċert ser jibda fit-20:30 u ser idum madwar sagħtejn

Min ser ikun qed jieħu sehem fil-kunċert?

Bosta mis-semifinalisti ta’ Mużika Mużika 2021, u ser ikantaw il-kanzunetti li pparteċipaw bihom waqt il-konkors.

Il-kunċert ser ikun differenti fit-tieni ġurnata?

Il-kantanti li kantaw fl-ewwel ġurnata ser ikantaw fit-tieni ġurnata wkoll, bid-differenza ta’ Glen Vella li ser ikanta fl-ewwel serata biss, u Michela Galea li ser tkanta fit-tieni serata biss.

Kemm huma l-Biljetti?

Il-biljetti ġenerali huma ta’ €15 inkluż il-VAT. Il-Biljetti tal-konċessjonijiet huma ta’ €10 inkluż il-VAT.

Kemm huma l-biljetti għat-tfal?

Tfal taħt it-12-il sena jidħlu b’xejn pero` xorta waħda jrid jinqatalgħom biljett.

Peress li tfal taħt it-tnax il-sena għadhom mhux vaċċinati, x’għandhom bżonn biex jidħlu?

Tfal t’eta bejn 5-11-il sena jridu jippreżentaw rapid test negattiv li jkun sar sa 24-il siegħa qabel jew PCR test negattiv sa 72-il siegħa qabel l-event. Tfal taħt il-5 snin m’hemmx għalfejn ikollom riżultat sakemm ikunu akkumpanjati minn ġenitur/adult li għandu ċertifikat tal-vaċċin tal-COVID-19 validu. Aktar informazzjoni:

Peress li n-nisa tqal għadhom mhux vaċċinati, x’għandhom bżonn biex jidħlu?

Nisa tqal li jixtiequ jattendu l-kunċert jridu jippreżentaw ċertifikat minn tabib jew rapid test negattiv li jkun sar sa 24-il siegħa qabel jew PCR test negattiv sa 72-il siegħa qabel l-event. Huma jkunu qed jattendu għar-riskju tagħhom. Aktar informazzjoni:

Nista` nixtri l-biljetti mal-bieb?

Il-postijiet huma limitati u mhux ser ikun hemm bejgħ ta’ biljetti mal-bieb.

Jekk għal xi raġuni ma nkunx nista` nattendi, nista` nieħu l-flus lura tal-biljetti?

Mhux ser jingħataw il-flus lura ħlief jekk il-kunċert jiġi mħassar.

Jekk tagħmel ix-xita l-kunċert jiġi mħassar?

Iva, l-avveniment jiġi ikkanċellat f’każ ta’ ħafna xita, b’rifużjoni sħiħa tal-biljetti.

X’miżuri qed jittieħdu minħabba l-pandemija tal-COVID-19?

Qed jittieħdu l-miżuri kollha meħtieġa biex tiġi assigurata s-saħħa u s-sigurta` tal-udjenza, il-parteċipanti u l-ħaddiema. Kull min jattendi huwa mitlub li jippreżenta ċ-ċertifikat tal-vaċċin mal-bieb, josserva id-distanza soċjali u jilbes il-maskra il-ħin kollu. Dawk li jkollhom temperatura għola minn 37°C u/jew ma jkollhomx iċ-ċertifikat tal-vaċċin, ma jitħallewx jidħlu. Refużjonijiet f’każijiet bħal dawn mhux possibbli. Il-postijiet huma limitati u mhux ser ikun hemm bejgħ ta’ biljetti mal-bieb.

Inkun nista` noqgħod ħdejn il-ħbieb u l-familja tiegħi minħabba d-distanza soċjali?

Is-siġġijiet jistgħu jinxtraw biss bħala par. Ser ikun hemm spazju ta’ żewġ metri bejn kull par.

Il-post huwa aċċessibli għas-siġġijiet tar-roti?

Iva, il-post huwa aċċessibbli għas-siġġijiet tar-roti, kemm permezz tal-lift jew billi wieħed jgħaddi minn Yellow Garage.

Inkun nista` nidħol bil-pushchair?

Iva, pushchairs huma permessi fuq il-post.

Nista` nġib annimali domestiċi miegħi?

Annimali domestiċi mhux permessi fuq il-post sakemm mhux klieb tas-servizz.

Ser ikun hemm ikel u xorb għall-bejgħ?

Le, l-post mhux mgħammar bi stabillimenti tal-ikel u xorb.

Ser ikun hemm faċilitajiet ta’ toilets fuq il-post?

Iva, ser ikun hemm portable toilets fuq kull naħa tal-post.

Nista` nieħu ritratti u filmati waqt il-kunċert?

Mużika Mużika Sajf ser ikollu fotografu professjonali, pero` xorta jistgħu jittieħdu ritratti u filmati permezz tal-mobile minn bilqiegħda biss. Kameras professjonali mhux permessibli sakemm mhux bil-permess tal-organizzatur.


Frequently Asked Questions About Mużika Mużika Sajf

Will the concert be in Maltese or in English?

Mużika Mużika Sajf is a concert featuring music from Mużika Mużika which took place last March. Therefore, the songs will be performed in Maltese.

When and where will Mużika Mużika Sajf be held?

The concert will be held on the 31st August and 1st September at Laparelli Gardens.

At what time will it start and what is its duration?

The concert will start at 20:30 and will last for around 2hrs.

Who will perform during the concert?

Most of the Mużika Mużika 2021 semifinalists, and they will perform the songs they participated with during the concert.

Will the concert be different on the second day?

The artists who will perform during the first concert will also perform on the second day, except for Glen Vella who will only perform on day one and Michela Galea who will only perform on day two.

How much are the tickets?

General Admissions tickets cost €15 including VAT. Concession tickets cost €10 including VAT.

How much are children’s tickets?

Children under 12 enter for free, however they still require a ticket.

What do children under the age of 12 require to be admitted given that they are not vaccinated?

Children aged 5-11 years need to present a negative rapid test result done within 24 hours or a negative PCR within 72 hours from start of event. Children under the age of 5 years need not have a test result so long as they are accompanied by a parent/guardian who is in possession of a valid COVID-19 vaccine certificate. More information:

What do pregnant women require to be admitted given that they are not vaccinated?

Pregnant persons who wish to attend the concert, need to present a certificate from a medical practitioner and a negative rapid test result done within 24 hours or a negative PCR within 72 hours from start of event. These persons shall attend at their own risk. More information:

Will I be able to buy tickets at the door?

Seating is limited and there will be no tickets sold by the door.

In case I won’t be able to attend, are tickets refundable?

Tickets are non-refundable, unless the event is cancelled.

Will the event be cancelled if it rains?

Yes, the event will be cancelled in the case of heavy rain against a full refund of tickets.

What measures are being taken regarding the COVID-19 pandemic?

All the necessary measures are being taken to safeguard the health of the audience, artists and staff members. Patrons are required to present a vaccine certificate at the door, respect social distancing and wear masks at all times. Those who have a temperature of more than 37°C and/or do not have a vaccine certificate will not be able to enter the venue. In these cases ticket refunds are not possible. Seating is limited and there will be no tickets sold by the door.

Due to social distancing, will I be able to stay next to friends and family?

Seating are being sold in pairs, with a 2 metre gap in between each pair.

Is the venue wheelchair accessible?

Yes, the venue is wheelchair accessible, either via the elevator or through Yellow Garage.

Will I be able to enter with a pushchair?

Yes, pushchairs are allowed at the venue.

Are pets allowed?

Pets are not allowed with the exception of service dogs.

Will food and refreshments be offered?

No, the venue will not have food or drinks stalls.

Will there be portable toilets on site?

Yes, the venue is equipped with portable toilets on both sides of the venue.

Am I allowed to take photos and videos during the concert?

Mużika Mużika Sajf will have a professional photographer on site, however members of the audience can still take their own photos and videos through mobile phones from their seat only. Professional cameras are not permitted unless allowed by the organiser.


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